Originally we were involved in preparing the committee report in relation to the proposed expansion of the airport to cater for 18 million passengers per annum (mppa).
Later we worked to vary the 2014 permission, to permit an increase in the passenger numbers to 19 mppa.
Recently we have been working with the neighbouring authorities in relation to the airport’s proposed increase to 32 mppa, a nationally significant infrastructure project that will be decided by the government through a Development Consent Order.
The construction of a 2.2km mass passenger transit system linking Luton Airport Parkway Station to the airport terminal building.
Following a screening request to determine whether the proposal required an environmental statement, it was confirmed that the proposal was not EIA development.
The application straddled two local authority boundaries and consequently was jointly considered by the local planning authorities. Planning permission was was granted by both and the DART is due to open later this year.
The development of New Century Park, a large business park comprising 55,000sqm of floorspace, a 145 bedroom hotel and access road, located to the north east of the airport.
This application was accompanied by an environmental statement and was contentious, since it involved a departure from the development plan, the loss of playing fields and building on a local park.
A legal agreement secured appropriate mitigation and enhancement, and following referral to the Secretary of State, the local planning authority were able to grant planning permission.
The redevelopment of Hart House (retaining the listed building), adjacent to Luton Airport Parkway Station to provide 8,000sqm of office floorspace, a 170-bed hotel, conference centre & multi-storey car park.
Following a screening request it was confirmed that the proposal was EIA development and would need to be accompanied by an environmental statement since it was likely to give rise to a number of significant environmental effects.
The application sailed through the planning process, with the planning committee resolving unanimously to approve the development.